World Sickle Cell Day
World Sickle Cell Day
World Sickle Cell Day

World Sickle Cell Day- June 19
Join us to Raise Awareness and Help Reduce Stigma and Discrimination Experienced by Families with Children, Youth, and Adults Living with Sickle Cell Disease.
The World Health Organization (2006) and the United Nations (2008) have recognized sickle cell disease as a global public health priority and in order to raise awareness of the disease, designated the 19th day of June every year as World Sickle Cell Day (WSCD). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that sickle-cell disease affects nearly 100 million people worldwide and over 300 000 children are born every year with the condition.
Tragically, the majority of these individuals will die in childhood due to a lack of basic care, and those who survive into adulthood too often face a life of chronic disability and premature death unless disease-modifying therapy can be provided.
The WHO, therefore, urges countries affected by Sickle Cell Disease to establish health programs at the national level and to promote access to medical services for people affected by the disease
Quality of Sickle Cell Disease Care in Canada
The Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario recognizes Sickle Cell Disease as an increasingly important medical issue in the province. Out of the estimated 6000 Canadians affected by sickle cell disease, 3,345 live in Ontario and over 65% of babies born with the disease nationally are born in the province of Ontario. While the possibility of a cure by gene therapy has continued to make headlines, the basic quality of care provided to sickle cell patients in Canada remains well below the standard of care recommended by experts in the field.
Furthermore, patients with sickle cell disease continue to be stigmatized and are branded as “drug seekers” when presenting for medical treatment of severe vaso-occlusive pain crises. Many SCD patients in Canada do not have access to comprehensive care, which could prevent those crises.
Reducing Stigma and Discrimination
Through its awareness, education, and advocacy programs, SCAGO is doing its part to reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by the families affected by Sickle Cell Disease.
Awareness among the Provincial and National Policy Makers
It is noteworthy that on June 3rd, 2021, through the advocacy work of the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario, Bill 255 passed in the Ontario Legislature and June 19 becomes Provincial Sickle Cell Awareness Day. Read the Provincial Sickle Cell Awareness Day Act here
Similarly, on November 22nd, 2017, through the advocacy work of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of Canada and its member organizations including the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario, Canada recognized June 19th as National Sickle Cell Day. Read the National Awareness Day Act here
About The SCAGO
Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario also known as SCAGO is the largest patient support and advocacy association serving families with children, youth, and adults with sickle cell disease. It was established in 2005 to:
Improve treatment and care received by patients living with Sickle Cell Disease by providing education on the disease to medical and allied health professionals.
Educate the community on Sickle Cell Disease and sickle cell traits with the expected outcome of reducing the number of new births with the disease.
Support those living with the disease by providing access to life-enhancing programs not limited to peer support group meetings, scholarships, emergency grants, self-management skills, and counseling navigation.
Advocate on their behalf with the government, school, and workplace.
What is Sickle Cell Disease?
Sickle Cell Disease or sickle cell anemia is a hereditary genetic disease characterized by the presence of abnormal crescent-shaped red blood cells. People with Sickle Cell Disease have abnormal haemoglobin (called haemoglobin S or sickle haemoglobin) in their red blood cells. Haemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. The lack of tissue oxygen can cause attacks of sudden, excruciating, and severe pain called pain crises. These pain attacks can occur without warning, with pain levels often described as higher than childbirth labor pain and cancer-related pain.
The red cell sickling and poor oxygen delivery can also cause organ damage. Over a lifetime, Sickle Cell Disease can harm a person’s spleen, brain, eyes, lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, joints, bones, or skin. It can cause a stroke in children as young as two years of age! At the present time, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the only cure for Sickle Cell Disease.
For educational videos on various topics relating to Sickle Cell Disease, visit:
World Sickle Cell Day- June 19
Join us to Raise Awareness and Help Reduce Stigma and Discrimination Experienced by Families with Children, Youth, and Adults Living with Sickle Cell Disease.
The World Health Organization (2006) and the United Nations (2008) have recognized sickle cell disease as a global public health priority and in order to raise awareness of the disease, designated the 19th day of June every year as World Sickle Cell Day (WSCD). The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that sickle-cell disease affects nearly 100 million people worldwide and over 300 000 children are born every year with the condition.
Tragically, the majority of these individuals will die in childhood due to a lack of basic care, and those who survive into adulthood too often face a life of chronic disability and premature death unless disease-modifying therapy can be provided.
The WHO, therefore, urges countries affected by Sickle Cell Disease to establish health programs at the national level and to promote access to medical services for people affected by the disease
Quality of Sickle Cell Disease Care in Canada
The Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario recognizes Sickle Cell Disease as an increasingly important medical issue in the province. Out of the estimated 6000 Canadians affected by sickle cell disease, 3,345 live in Ontario and over 65% of babies born with the disease nationally are born in the province of Ontario. While the possibility of a cure by gene therapy has continued to make headlines, the basic quality of care provided to sickle cell patients in Canada remains well below the standard of care recommended by experts in the field.
Furthermore, patients with sickle cell disease continue to be stigmatized and are branded as “drug seekers” when presenting for medical treatment of severe vaso-occlusive pain crises. Many SCD patients in Canada do not have access to comprehensive care, which could prevent those crises.
Reducing Stigma and Discrimination
Through its awareness, education, and advocacy programs, SCAGO is doing its part to reduce the stigma and discrimination faced by the families affected by Sickle Cell Disease.
Awareness among the Provincial and National Policy Makers
It is noteworthy that on June 3rd, 2021, through the advocacy work of the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario, Bill 255 passed in the Ontario Legislature and June 19 becomes Provincial Sickle Cell Awareness Day. Read the Provincial Sickle Cell Awareness Day Act here
Similarly, on November 22nd, 2017, through the advocacy work of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of Canada and its member organizations including the Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario, Canada recognized June 19th as National Sickle Cell Day. Read the National Awareness Day Act here
About The SCAGO
Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario also known as SCAGO is the largest patient support and advocacy association serving families with children, youth, and adults with sickle cell disease. It was established in 2005 to:
Improve treatment and care received by patients living with Sickle Cell Disease by providing education on the disease to medical and allied health professionals.
Educate the community on Sickle Cell Disease and sickle cell traits with the expected outcome of reducing the number of new births with the disease.
Support those living with the disease by providing access to life-enhancing programs not limited to peer support group meetings, scholarships, emergency grants, self-management skills, and counseling navigation.
Advocate on their behalf with the government, school, and workplace.
What is Sickle Cell Disease?
Sickle Cell Disease or sickle cell anemia is a hereditary genetic disease characterized by the presence of abnormal crescent-shaped red blood cells. People with Sickle Cell Disease have abnormal haemoglobin (called haemoglobin S or sickle haemoglobin) in their red blood cells. Haemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. The lack of tissue oxygen can cause attacks of sudden, excruciating, and severe pain called pain crises. These pain attacks can occur without warning, with pain levels often described as higher than childbirth labor pain and cancer-related pain.
The red cell sickling and poor oxygen delivery can also cause organ damage. Over a lifetime, Sickle Cell Disease can harm a person’s spleen, brain, eyes, lungs, liver, heart, kidneys, joints, bones, or skin. It can cause a stroke in children as young as two years of age! At the present time, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the only cure for Sickle Cell Disease.
For educational videos on various topics relating to Sickle Cell Disease, visit:
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Address: 235-415 Oakdale Rd. North York, ON M3N 1W7
Phone: GTA: 416-745-4267
© SCAGO - All Rights Reserved -Disclaimer - Charitable Registration #: 83332 0872 RR 0001
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Address: 235-415 Oakdale Rd.
North York, ON M3N 1W7
Phone: 416-745-4267
© SCAGO - All Rights Reserved -Disclaimer - Charitable Registration #: 83332 0872 RR 0001
Quick Links
Address: 235-415 Oakdale Rd. North York, ON M3N 1W7
Phone: 416-745-4267
© SCAGO - All Rights Reserved -Disclaimer - Charitable Registration #: 83332 0872 RR 0001