Northern Ontario

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Youth with Sickle Cell Disease

Toronto&Central Ontario region header

Youth with Sickle Cell Disease

Toronto&Central Ontario region header

Le Centre d'équité en matière de vaccins sert de plateforme centrale pour les ressources en vaccins et les engagements collaboratifs visant à soutenir le travail en matière d'équité en matière de vaccins pour la communauté de la drépanocytose. Le centre comprend des ressources éducatives et des stratégies visant à améliorer l'équité en matière de vaccins dans la drépanocytose. Le but du centre est de faciliter l'échange de connaissances et de susciter une action collective pour relever les défis de la vaccination auxquels sont confrontées les personnes affectées par la drépanocytose.

There is no sickle cell disease centre of excellence in this region, however, the SCAGO is working with Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (Hospital) to establish a hemoglobinopathy centre within the hospital.

With the increasing number of cross provincial migration and international students flocking the four universities located in Northern Ontario (Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Laurentian University in Sudbury, Nipissing University in North Bay, and Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie), and the six colleges (Confederation College in Thunder Bay, Sault College in Sault Ste. Marie, Northern College in Timmins, Canadore College in North Bay, and the anglophone Cambrian College and francophone Collège Boréal in Sudbury) it became doubly important to utilize equity lens in providing resources and support for patients and families in this region.

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Address: 235-415 Oakdale Rd. North York, ON M3N 1W7

Phone: GTA: 416-745-4267


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Address: 235-415 Oakdale Rd. North York, ON M3N 1W7

Phone: 416-745-4267


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© SCAGO - All Rights Reserved -Disclaimer - Charitable Registration #: 83332 0872 RR 0001

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Address: 235-415 Oakdale Rd.

North York, ON M3N 1W7

Phone: 416-745-4267


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© SCAGO - All Rights Reserved -Disclaimer - Charitable Registration #: 83332 0872 RR 0001